Today was the first day we’ve participated in the Lowe’s Build-and-Grow Clinic since our move to Tennessee, primarily because we live WAY OUT in the boonies now. But, every time we visited our nearest Lowe’s, the boys stared longingly at the upcoming clinic announcements, so… we went to Build-a-Saurus today. Though I FORGOT our camera, it was such a precious moment, as this was the first time that Levi was old enough to actually hammer those little nails in. It was so cute to see the boys in their little Lowe’s aprons once again! So, I think we’ll be venturing out next weekend for the upcoming Home Depot’s Kids Workshop… (We used to juggle these little wood workshops all the time when we lived in Houston!)
It’s been a simple week for us. At least I think it was. I just didn’t take very many photos, so I can’t remember what we did. (So now you know the REAL reason I keep our blog up and running!)
I will take a moment here to rave about how much we enjoy the activities in Homeschool in the Woods (HSITW) Industrial Revolution through the Great Depression. We have learned so much through these activities. We’ve discussed people and events that we would not have otherwise studied. Not only that, but I’ve discovered that many of the meals I enjoyed as a child were actually recipes from the Great Depression!
And these projects are just great!

After adding more to his timeline, Stephen noted that Fanny Crosby was writing poetry and hymns while Geronimo was way out west on the warpath…

(If you’re wanting to test drive this program, check out the sampler on the product page.)
This week we have thoroughly enjoyed reading Jean Fritz’s Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt, along with the very funny Scrambled States of America. By the way, for those who do not know about Amazon Mom, it is advertised as being for parents of babies-toddlers, but many of the items that qualify for extending your free shipping benefits are items such as Science Wrap-Ups or Periodic Table Building Blocks (for those wanting to teach their babies the Periodic Table)…
We are still working on Unit 2 of Mr. Q’s Elementary Chemistry Curriculum. And we’re enjoying our switch to Christian Light Education Mathematics (for our 3rd grader) and a few changes in our Language Arts studies. We’ve decided to set aside Essentials for the rest of this year. (This was NOT Stephen’s decision, but Gary’s. LOL!) Let me just say… I was amazed when I released Stephen to tackle some writing assignments on his level and pertaining to his interests. He has learned SO MUCH from Essentials (and IEW), and we owe his enthusiasm and excellence this week to the Essentials program. (By the way, Abeka Language Arts 4 is too simple for him now…)
David is spelling words now with Phonics Road to Reading. And he is starting to read words in everyday life, even though we have not actually entered the “reading” phase of the program.
And then we enjoyed watching some puppet shows by none other than David, our talented storyteller!
Gary and I watched IndoctriNation this week. All I can say is…. WOW! Though I was already aware of much of it – having been a high school teacher in the public school system – this was so thought-provoking and convicting that we bought 10 copies to share with others as God grants us the opportunity. If you are doubting your homeschooling endeavors or just need a little boost of encouragement to keep going, please WATCH THIS FILM. (Watch the trailer here.)
I feel so blessed that someone lent this film to us. I sometimes forget how bad my experience was in the public schools (and, boy, do I have some horror stories!). But then sometimes someone is there to give me a simple reminder of how important my calling is as a mother. And so I keep on keepin’ on, but now with a renewed vision and vigor in knowing that not only are my children receiving a quality education (DESPITE how inadequate I feel at times!), they are also receiving an abundant life full of discoveries that we are able to share together.
To know HIM and to make HIM known. I am so very thankful.
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