Welcome to our list of resources for practicing prepositions, linking verbs, and helping verbs. This list of grammar resources provides practice with learning and applying these elements of English grammar.
In the primary grades (K-2), our children learn quite a bit of English grammar through our custom-built plan based on the Words are Categorical book series by Brian Cleary (along with selections from Our Mother Tongue) and IEW’s Bible Heroes Writing Lessons. The Words are Categorical Books include the following (and several more!):
- A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink: What Is a Noun?
- I and You and Don’t Forget Who: What Is a Pronoun?
- To Root, to Toot, to Parachute: What Is a Verb?
- Dearly, Nearly, Insincerely: What Is an Adverb?
- But and For, Yet and Nor: What Is a Conjunction?
- Cool! Whoa! Ah and Oh!: What Is an Interjection?
- Under, Over, By the Clover: What Is a Preposition?
- Hairy, Scary, Ordinary: What Is an Adjective?
(Our custom-built plan was the result of concepts I found lacking in our oldest child before he went into Essentials – and because our second child needed a bit of creativity in his English Grammar diet.) I highly recommend these resources for learning English grammar easily in the early grades!
Try out Writing, Spelling, Poetry, and Grammar Programs for Free!
We highly recommend checking out the first three weeks of Structure & Style for Students program from IEW. (You can access the first three weeks free.)
Other IEW programs you can try out for free include…
- Structure and Style for Students. If you’d prefer Andrew Pudewa to teach writing structure and style to your student(s), this program is for you! Download the first lessons from each level for teaching composition to children in grades 3-12.
- Fix It! Grammar. Download the first lessons of all four levels of this gentle introduction to grammar and mechanics with thorough yet simple instructions for the teacher.
- Introduction to Public Speaking. Download the first two lessons of this engaging program for learning to conquer the #1 fear of most people: public speaking.
- University-Ready Writing is a 12-week video-based course which teaches high school students advanced note-taking skills and writing techniques in preparation for college-level writing. Try it free here!
- Theme-Based Writing Lessons. Theme-Based Writing Lessons are for students and/or teachers familiar with IEW’s Structure and Style Program. Topics include science, history, literature, and Bible, covering a variety of grade levels.
- Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization. Download the first five poems from this mastery approach to learning poetry.
- The Phonetic Zoo. Try a sample of a program that teaches spelling with an auditory approach towards mastery. (Requires free registration.)
- Free audio talks, booklists, and more! (Our favorite audio is Nurturing Competent Communicators.)
Visit IEW to find out more about other programs to transform your students into proficient writers – from early elementary all the way through college! You may also be interested in our favorite resources for teaching grammar and composition to students in grades 3-12. Because of IEW’s incredible 100% Money-Back Guarantee, we highly recommend purchasing products directly from IEW instead of through 3rd-party sellers.
Resources for Prepositions, Helping Verbs, and Linking Verbs
Prepositions Visuals & Task Cards
Prepositions of Movement Picture Dictionary
Preposition Student Coloring Book
Prepositions Task Cards
Prepositional Phrase Task Cards
Advanced Preposition Task Cards: Adverb vs. Preposition | Adverbial vs. Adjectival Phrases
Prepositions Games & Interactive Activities
Bug Prepositions Game Cards
Prepositional Cut Sort and Paste
Buggy about Prepositions Activity
What Does the Fox Say? Prepositional Phrase Game
Prepositions Anchor Chart
Printable Preposition Games and Activities
Prepositions Treasure Map Activity
Roll-a-Preposition Game
Ollie’s Jar – Online Book to identify prepositions
Fling the Teacher Prepositional Phrase Online Game
Prepositions of Place Online Interactive
Prepositions Videos & Memorization Helps
Prepositions Song Video by Grammaropolis
Grammar Rock Prepositions
Prepositions Choreography – Slower Motions
Learn Prepositions to Yankee Doodle
Prepositions Bookmarks
Prepositions Lessons & Worksheets
What is a Preposition?
Prepositions Worksheets & Printables
Diagramming Prepositions Worksheet
Prepositions Worksheet
Identifying Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases Worksheets
Helping Verbs Games & Interactive Activities
Helping Verbs Hands
Helping Verb Game Ideas
Helping Verbs Videos & Memorization Helps
Helping Verbs Song Video
Helping Verbs to Jingle Bells Video
Helping Verbs Bookmarks
Grammar Rock: Verbs
Helping Verbs Lessons & Worksheets
What Is a Verb?
Helping Verbs Explained
Helping Verbs Worksheet
Sentence Diagramming Helping Verbs
There Is/Are
The Verb To Be
More Verb WorksheetsUsing Strong Verbs
Helping Verb Game Ideas
Linking Verbs Visuals & Task Cards & Activities
Linking Verbs Chain – Printable Activity
Action & Linking Verb Task Cards
Verb Activities Sort | Unscrambling | etc.
Action or Linking Verb? Sentence Sort
Action or Linking Verb? Sentence Sort #2
Linking Verb Demonstration Activity
Linking Verbs Lessons & Worksheets
About Linking Verbs
Learn All About Linking Verbs (and Even How to Diagram!)
Linking Verbs Explanation
Action Verbs vs. Linking Verbs
Advanced Linking Verbs
Diagramming Linking Verbs
Picture Books: Because we LOVE picture books
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Essentials Resources or Other English Grammar Topics
- A Stick and the Sand and Your Essentials Guide
- Essentials Chart Mastery
- Our Essentials Experience, or How to Scale Back
- Preparing for Essentials
- Ancient History Writing Lessons Vocabulary on Quizlet
- Essentials in Classical Conversations: A First Year Survival Method
- 101 Days of Homeschooling Essentials Ideas
- KISS Grammar
- Cycle 2 English Grammar Resources
- Cycle 3 English Grammar Resources
- Ultimate List of English Grammar Games
- Scattergories Creative Word Work
- Identifying decorations and dress-ups in reading (an activity for our Sign of the Beaver Book Club that can be applied to any reading assignment).
- Grammar Slammer Clue Cards
- On-Line English Grammar Usage Rules
- Parts of Speech Card Game
- English Grammar Analysis – Understanding the Basics
- Proofreading Bookmarks
- Holt Elements of Language (For middle school)
- Grammar Worksheets from Sinclair.edu