Welcome to our link buffet for CC Cycle 1 Week 13! All of the following resources (and more) have already been available (organized by subject) on our Cycle 1 Resources Page. There are several resources on our Cycle 1 Subject Resources Pages that span multiple weeks. Don’t forget to check them out (especially math, science, and history!). You will not find memory work verbiage in my links lists or in my documents.
Please do not copy and paste these links into other emails, documents, or websites. If you would like to share these links with others, please send them a link to this webpage. By honoring this request, you ensure that our family’s efforts to provide free homeschool resources can continue. Thank you for using and recommending Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood to others. It blesses us in return!
Cycle 1 with the Great Commission in Mind
After designing curriculum plans for over a decade, we developed a Christian Classical Curriculum called Mission: Great Commission that integrates the study of the world and the ongoing fulfillment of the Great Commission, with a focus on loving God, His Word, and fellow mankind. For an open-and-go reading/curriculum plan that overlaps much of the memory work studied during Cycle 1 – along with an integrated study of world missions, world empires & geography, fine arts, and science, check out our Mission: World Wonders Curriculum Plan.
For a simple plan on how to use these resources, download our Cycle 1 First Quarter Sample Activity Plan.
The Link Buffet: Extension Activities
Pick and choose what you wish to do!
Although we make this available to our readers, our family spent more time reading and working on core skills during the elementary-school years, keeping our schedule open for playing board games together; or researching something that our children were interested in; or pursuing poetry, art, or music; or doing a random science investigation or nature study. We used our resource lists as resource lists – that is, when we wished to quickly find a resource I’d come across in the past, we referenced this list. I call it the “Link Buffet.” This is simply meant to be a reference site.
Please notify me of broken or inoperable links, and I’ll be glad to fix them! If you’d like to add a great resource to this list, feel free to contact me or leave it in the comments! Also note that there may be affiliate links in this post. Clicking on these links before you make your Amazon purchases does not cost you anything extra, but we receive a small commission from your Amazon purchase. If you use our affiliate links, we really appreciate it because… it not only supports the cost of this website and helps to support our family, but it also helps us to maintain this portion of our website. Thanks so much for supporting Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood!
The Link Buffet – CC Cycle 1 Week 13 Resources
Picture Books
Jambo Means Hello: A Swahili Alphabet Book. Feelings. {History}
We All Went on Safari: A Counting Journey through Tanzania. Krebs. {History}
Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain. Aardema. {History}
The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth (Magic School Bus). {Science}
Art Fraud Detective: Spot the Difference Solve the Crime! {Fine Arts}
For descriptions of the above books visit this post
Read Alouds
David Livingstone: Africa’s Trailblazer (Christian Heroes: Then & Now). Benge.
A Long Walk to Water. Part of our Mission: World Wonders study.
Mary Slessor: Forward into Calabar. Part of our Mission: World Wonders study.
Charles Mulli: We Are Family. Part of our Mission: World Wonders study.CC Cycle 1 Booklist
For descriptions of the above books visit this post
General world history
Torchlighters Study Guides
Ancient History
Story of the World Activities
Story of the World Timeline Notebook Figures
Discussion points and Tapestry of Grace Correlation
Ancient History Videos
World History on Khan Academy
World History Lesson Plans Powerpoints and Games
Ancient Civilizations Lesson Ideas
Dynamic2Moms’ Ancient Civilizations lap books
The Ancient Eras Timeline
History -Kush (Nubians) & Berbers
Kush National Geographic Video (<3 minutes)
Kingdom of Kush – New World Encyclopedia
History of Ancient Nubia (aka Kush)
Trade in West Africa Mini-Lesson PDF
Kush Art Project – African Masks – bottom of page (symmetry review)
Kush Art Project Idea – Soap Sculpture
Lost Kingdoms of Africa: Nubia (BBC Video 58 minutes)
Lost Kingdoms of Africa: the Berber (BBC) Video (58 minutes)
Berber Symbols – Use for Sand Paper Art Petroglyphs Project
Paper Weaving Craft (Berbers)
Geography – Western Africa
Western Africa Kingdoms Info
West African Folk Tales Audiobook
DIY ‘African’ Mask & Printable Book
African Drum Craft
Western Africa Notebooking Pages & Activities
Geography of Africa Activities
Kente Cloth Art Project Lesson
Draw Africa Video Lesson
Hands-on Geography Learning
Draw Africa
Africa Countries & Capitals Flashcards
Geography – General
Continental Blob Maps
Map Tracing: A Geography Plan with Printable Atlas
Learn to draw the world freehand ($)
Draw the World Freehand using Chalk Pastels (Monthly Membership) $
Science -Parts of Earth
Video Lesson – What is Earth Science (and Unearthing Rocks)
Video Lesson on Spheres of the Earth
Play-Doh Layers of Earth Model
Layers of the Earth & Atmosphere Model
Earth’s Layers & Atmosphere Card Game {free printable}
Layers of the Earth Booklets
Earth’s Layers: DIY 3-D Diagram
Layers of Earth Reading Comprehension
Earth Science: Earth’s Layers and Soil Composition
Exploring Maps & Models of Earth (NatGeo)
The Reason for the Seasons
Earth Science Packet: Layers of the Earth Plate Tectonics Earthquakes Volcanoes 4 Types of Mountains and More!
Math – Liquid Equivalents
Capacity Worksheet – Cup Pint Quart Gallon
Measuring Capacity with Gallon Bot
Customary Units of Capacity Worksheet Conversion Practice
Kitchen Math (Packet takes student through budgeting shopping cooking etc.)
Liquid Measurement Lemonade Stand Lyrics and MP3 Sample
StudyJams Units of Measurement
English Grammar – Compound Prepositions
Choose a preposition activity
Latin – Noun Declensions
Latin Noun Declension File Folder Games | Notebook Printables and Story Cues
Colorful charts on noun declensions and verb conjugations by Classical Academic Press
Latin Interactive Cut-and Paste Worksheets for declensions and conjugations by Classical Academic Press
Other Latin Resources
Timeline notebook
Timeline Thumbnails (Way to memorize timeline + free printable)
Our Timeline Wall: What the CC timeline looks like and what we learned
Studying History through the Ages with a Timeline
More Timeline Resources
Fine Arts – Famous Artists
Cycle 1 Great Artists Lessons & Activities
Step-by-Step Giotto Art Project
Cycle 1 Great Artist Coloring Pages/Line Drawings
Cycle 1 Great Artist Notebooking Pages
Bible – Exodus 20
Hand Motion Video
Click here for our Cycle 1 Resources by subject
Feel free to share any resources you’ve found by commenting or emailing me!