As we embark on the study of touchy topics like taxonomy and Greek mythology, we sometimes find ourselves asking, how am I seeking to “know God and make Him known” through such things? After all, it’s not always easy to find textbooks and resources that align with a Biblical worldview and explain what we are memorizing in a way that edifies our faith. And for those of us who are currently restoring two generations of education, it takes a good deal of forethought and prayer to recognize and point out how He is revealed through all subjects. For someone like me who is just now really learning biology, how do I piece together all this diversity into a unified message about God?
At the end of the day, oftentimes I reflect upon what we’ve done and wish that I had done a better job of showing my children how God is revealed through every subject we’ve studied. (Really, I have so much room for improvement in this area!) So… when I come across something that helps me make sense of these topics (much like the Apologia Science series), I consider it a blessing!
Creation Science for Kids: Biology is a science curriculum containing a Biblical approach to studying science topics relating to biology. This 52-page book contains additional information for each science fact (some great related history, too!), along with scripture references and Bible study questions that correlate with each topic, and activities to complete that reinforce each science topic. To see an example of what this great resource is like, you can preview pages for several of the studies on Amazon.