Great Artists Study – Renaissance & Post-Renaissance
Here’s a round-up of fantastic resources we’ve found for studying six artists of the Renaissance and Post-Renaissance movement: Giotto, Ghiberti, Angelico, Durer, Michelangelo, and El Greco (for Classical Conversations, this is Fine Arts: Cycle 1, Weeks 13-18). We also recommend Discovering Great Artists by MaryAnn Kohl and Kim Solga, which includes short biographies and kid-friendly, hands-on art lessons in the styles of over 80 different well-known artists. For a corresponding picture study packet, click here.
To incorporate picture study with these famous artists, check out our Great Artists of the Renaissance Picture Study Packet.
Giotto di Bondone [JO-toh] (1266-1337)
Pictured above: Giotto’s Madonna & Child
Giotto is best known for painting images with expression and emotion (using 3-dimensional effects) during a time when people were portrayed as flat, 2-dimensional figures lacking emotion. His egg tempera paints were made of egg yolks mixed with clay, minerals, berries or insects. These paintings still exist today, approximately 700 years later!
Activity: Mix 1 egg yolk with 2 tsp water and add crushed chalk, berries or clay to make different colors. For egg allergies, complete a scratch-art piece instead.
Giotto Art Project
Giotto Picture Study Packet
Giotto Coloring Pages
Giotto Madonna and Child Pastel Resist Art Project
How to properly prepare egg tempera
Books about the artist and his works: Glorious Impossible, Mario’s Angels: A Story about the Artist Giotto, A Boy Named Giotto
Lorenzo Ghiberti [ghee-BAIR-tee] (1378-1455)
Pictured above: Ghiberti’s Self Portrait
Ghiberti was a sculptor trained as a goldsmith. He painted the baptistry doors at Florence Cathedral.
Pictured above: Ghiberti’s Eastern Door of the Baptistry
Technique: Metal Sculpture or Metal Art
Ghiberti Art Project
Ghiberti Picture Study Packet
Foil Owls Project
Foil Fish Project
3D Glue Foil Tutorial
Use metal tape for a simple art project in the form of Ghiberti or Angelico
Haitian-Inspired Foil Cross
Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise
Books about the artist and his works: Masters of the Renaissance Audio by Jim Weiss
Fra Giovanni Angelico [an-JEL-i-koh] (1400-1455)
Pictured above: Angelico’s San Domenico Altarpiece
Made Fresco paintings on wet plaster. Popular for his scenes from the Christian Bible. Angelico painted golden halos, which were often made with real gold (“gold-leaf”) instead of paint, around a person’s head to show inner goodness.
Technique: Integrating gold leaf into painting
Angelico Art Project
Angelico Picture Study Packet
City Sky-line Project (using aluminum foil “silver-leaf”)
Use metal tape for a simple art project in the form of Ghiberti or Angelico
Pastel Resist Angelico
Books about the artist and his works: The Saving Name of God the Son (Board Book), Color Your Own Angels in Art Masterpieces
Albrecht Durer [DER] or [DOO r-er] (1471-1528)
Pictured above: Durer’s Self Portrait
Famous for his woodcuts and engravings, Durer’s attention to detail can be seen in his many paintings, etchings, and prints.

Durer Picture Study Packet
Hey Kids, Meet Albrecht Durer
Albrecht Durer 1st Grade Lesson from Concordia University Chicago
Books about the artist and his works: Artist of the Reformation: The Story of Albrecht Dürer, Albrecht Durer (The Art for Children Series), Albrecht Durer for Young Art Lovers
Technique: Printmaking from woodcuts.
Activity: Make imprints on a wood block, spread thin layer of paint/ink over surface leaving no paint inside impressions, spread paper over top and rub to make a print. For younger students: Make a leaf print, or sculpt homemade wood stamps or potato stamps and use them to make Valentine’s cards!
Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) [MY-kul-AN-jeh-lo]
Fresco painter known for painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Fresco painting is painting on wet plaster walls and ceilings.
Pictured above: Sistine Chapel Ceiling by Michelangelo
Michelangelo Art Project
Fresco Salt-Dough Leafprints Project
Michelangelo Picture Study Packet
How to Make Plaster Frescoes
Pastel Fresco Secco Video Lesson
Books about the artist and his works: Michelangelo (Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists), Michelangelo for Kids: His Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities (For Kids series), Michelangelo by Diane Stanley
Fresco Activity: Mix Plaster of Paris, insert paperclip (for hanging), leave until slightly set in a mold (pie pan or paper plate). Remove from mold while still damp, paint with watercolor or tempera.
Painting the ceiling activity: Hang poster or butcher paper under a coffee table and allow student to paint while lying down. Be prepared for a mess! (Place newspapers underneath, cover clothing and hair, etc.)
Domenikos Theotokopoulos, known as El Greco “The Greek” (1541-1614) [el GREK-oh]
Pictured above: El Greco’s Self-Portrait
El Greco Art Project
El Greco Picture Study Packet
El Greco Coloring Page
El Greco’s Adoration of the Shepherds – Youtube Video with explanation of his contemporary way of elongating figures
Books about the artist and his works: El Greco (Getting to Know the World’s Greatest Artists)
Activity: Drawing tall people using photos or magazine cut-outs, cut into strips and spaced to stretch it out and trace over the elongated figure(s).
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