One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 33:3:
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Why? This was the verse our oldest son chose as his favorite scripture the year that he sincerely struggled with his spirituality and made a decision for Christ. [You can read more about that story here.] But before our son had ever chosen this as a “favorite scripture,” our family had memorized it via Seeds Family Worship.
About Memorizing Scripture
There are days when I fail miserably and my character flaws are stretched before me as a yawning mess. Nevertheless… though I am weak, He is strong. It is through the scriptures that my mind is set aright.The scriptures give me direction and reset my vision when my focus wanders. And I am made whole again despite my flaws, just because I’ve been reminded of God’s immense love for me.
Then there are the days when I feel so weary [or simply lack the motivation to do anything]. When I am only on day 1 of my husband’s 30-day absence as he works off the coast of Brazil, God’s Word is there to sustain me and quiet my heart. When the tough times hit, when I get discouraged or lonely, when I feel like a failure that’s never going to get this whole motherhood thing right – songs of scripture come to my mind and help me through the next few moments. I am thankful for others who offer their musical talents to help hide God’s Word in my heart – and in the hearts of my children.
How We Memorize Large Passages of Scripture
Our family includes a fair bunch of audial learners who must drive at least 30 minutes to get anywhere. So… if something’s set to music, we can memorize it in the car. In the past, we’ve enjoyed memorizing scripture by listening to Seeds Family Worship, and Bible Readeez.
A few years ago, our homeschool group embarked on memorizing Exodus 20:1-17 using this Exodus 20 hand motion video from Mega Verses during our opening assembly each week. By the end of the year, we were able to sing it using just the instrumental version of the song. It was beautiful to watch children ages 3 to 12 singing the commands that are to be written upon our hearts. (Our family even stood before our church to sing it together a few weeks ago. It was the first time our family has ever stood in front of anyone by ourselves to sing anything. It was scary, not just for us, but for everyone else. [ha.ha.]) Our homeschool group also memorized Ephesians 6 using this Ephesians 6 hand motion video. Their songs are available on iTunes or at the Mega Verses website.Read more about Mega Verses and the many scripture memorization resources they offer here.
Ephesians 6 & Armor of God Resources
Ephesians 6 Music
Link to Ephesians 6 Hand Motion Video
Lisa McCann Music on SoundCloud
Ephesians Chapter 6 NIV (Entire book of Bible set to song)
Scripture Music Songs – Assorted
Scripture Songs by Chris Elliott
Scripture Melodies
Other Ephesians 6 Resources
Armor of God Illustration & Scripture coloring sheet
Armor of God “Win against Sin” Bible Lessons from Ministry-to-Children
Armor of God Sunday School Lesson
Armor of God Coloring Pages Paper Dolls
The Armor of God by Warfare by Duct Tape
Armor of God Object Lesson Using Oranges
Armor of God Copywork Printables
Ephesians 6 Cursive Copywork
Armor of God Copywork
Ephesians 6 Paper Toy
My Ephesians 6 Pinterest Board
Armor of God Pinterest Pins
Armor of God Pinterest Boards