…So we had our Geography Fair this week as part of our End-of-Year festivities. And Levi chose Africa Waters and wanted to it to be a cookie so he could eat it.
I’m not one to make homemade cookies very often, so I naturally pulled out the handy-dandy box cookies: Pillsbury Orange Dreamsicle. I have no idea why I bought them, but since Orange River is one of the Africa Waters, it was appropriate.
Here’s where I’m missing a few steps. Mainly because when I made them, chaos ensued. Naturally. Because I was baking something. And we all know I’m not the world’s best baker.
Levi and I shaped the raw cookie dough into the continent of Africa, and in doing so, I placed the dough right next to the edge of the flat cookie sheet (the one that had no edge). Well…. the Horn of Africa fell off when it was baking and burnt to a crisp at the bottom of the oven. Not only that, the silly thing just kept expanding… and expanding… and expanding. I had to stop the oven and scrape out Somalia & Ethiopia before it was done because it was smoking up the house. (Smoke? All right! Mom-Mom must be cooking! At least the smoke alarm didn’t go off this time.)
By the time it was all done, it looked like a sideways gigantic heart with the bottom missing. I guess I forgot that cookies do that sort of thing. (Note: Next time allow for expansion. Make the cookie 5″ wide instead of 20.)
And now I’m all aggravated with myself because I had the chance to be real and take a photo of the mess to share with you, but I forgot! Man! So, I will just tell you how Levi I redeemed the poor pitiful cookie instead.
Before the cookie set, I re-cut the edge. It was brilliant and I’m all proud of myself now.
(Note: Just bake a sheet of cookie dough next time and don’t worry about the shape. Let Levi press it down however he wants to, since it is actually his project. We can carve it into a shape after it comes out of the oven. Because the silly thing is going to expand into anything but what I want it to look like otherwise.)
Okay, skip a few more steps and now Levi is placing the pins on. A cookie dough pin map. Fun, fun, fun! Even when you really mess it up!

Lo and behold, that happy boy would NOT let us cut that cookie up to eat at the End-of-Year program. But he did get a knife out immediately when we got home so he and his brothers could dive in.
So our three boys had way more sugar intake than ever before because they also ate all the pieces that I had to carve off the original catastrophe (except for the Horn). But… it had orange flavoring in it. That’s healthy, right?