“…hymns connect us with generations now gone. Each week millions of Christians in local settings around the world, using hymns composed by believers from every era and branch of Christendom, join voices in united bursts of praise, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in their hearts […]
Equipping Resources for Middle and High School
It’s been a bit of a curriculum frenzy around here as we’ve not only been writing curriculum plans for elementary/middle school but we’ve also been researching curriculum to flesh out our overall plans for middle and high school. We’re still in the midst of reviewing resources to formulate a scope and sequence for our two […]
Memorization Management with Memory Rings
As we develop the discipline of memory/recall, our family has discovered the value in using a systematic way of cycling through our memory work, whether we’re memorizing scripture, vocabulary, speeches, poetry, facts, or passages of literature. Our Memory Work Review Schedules were designed with the basic idea behind the Scripture Memory System, but because I […]
Mission Lasting Liberty in Action!
As the year closes and we reflect on the events and experiences of 2020, I’m left with overwhelming gratitude to the One who has held all things together despite the circumstances surrounding us. Not only have I suffered from a strange sort of writer’s block all year long (how can words be so hard to […]
Mission Faith Forgers in Action!
Choose joy. Learning can be hard, but it’s also exciting and rewarding. If you’re filled with a sense of dread as you enter a new school year, it’s time to change what you’re doing. A few weeks ago, we shared some lessons learned from over a decade of homeschooling, but there’s a particular lesson learned […]
When Seasons Change
Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. -Isaiah 43:18-19 These are the hardest words I’ve ever written on this […]
The Reading Program that Works
Our four-year-old bounds out of bed to find me right away. “Can I do my schoolwork now? Can I do my schoolwork?” The only reason he even went to bed last night was so he could wake up first thing this morning to start another reading lesson. As he lugs his “schoolwork” towards me, I […]
Mission: World Wonders – Trip Two!
Three years ago, our family embarked on developing an integrated study to explore the ongoing fulfillment of the Great Commission through a missions-focused curriculum that incorporates social studies and science, integrating the study of scripture, history, geography, missions, hymns, and fine arts… Our Mission: Great Commission series takes families through a study of the entire […]
Spring Semester Plans & Schedules
Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12, NIV The January and February winter months possess great potential for disrupting the ideal. As we enter this “third lap” of the school year, just know that it’s okay to rethink goals. It’s okay to set aside curriculum. It’s […]