It’s the final leg of our trip around the world via flashcards! We are now headed into Australia and Oceania. If you missed our previous countries & capitals flashcards, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post to download all of them! A few things (disclaimers, provisos, quid pro quo) about these cards: For […]
Unexpected Changes & Heartfelt Thanks
For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:16-17 (ESV) We all know that learning is more than […]
Layers of the Earth & Atmosphere Model
At times I come up with complicated ideas that I just can’t shake. An earth and atmosphere model using foam board, craft foam, and toothpicks was one of those complicated ideas that cost me quite a few hours of experimentation and Internet searches. (This particular idea was largely due to some pin map inspiration, although […]
Classical Music: Orchestra & Composer Study
Earlier this week I mentioned my big ole bucket of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty intentions and how tough it can be to incorporate these vital elements into our homeschool during this particular season of our lives. Now I’d like to share a tool that has made it easier for us to enjoy a bit of classical music study without […]
Adding a bucket of beauty to homeschooling
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Romans 7:15 Here I am, compelled to share a moment of raw, honest truth. This year has been a struggle for me. A real honest-to-goodness struggle. Not a struggle on whether we […]
Africa Countries Capitals Flashcards
We are now headed into Africa with our world geography memorization, which warrants a new set of Africa countries and capitals flashcards! In addition to drilling which capital goes with which country, we’re covering up the country name that’s on the bottom of each card to drill the countries by shape/location. You can download the […]
Science Scripture Connections: Earth Science
As we focus on our mission of seeking first the kingdom of God and on ensuring that He is central to all aspects of our learning, I offer here some simple spiritual applications for science experiments (from Janice VanCleave’s 201 Awesome, Magical, Bizarre, & Incredible Experiments). However, my first encouragement to others is to pray and […]
Map Tracing: A Geography Plan with Printable Atlas
With our oldest stepping into middle school this year, I may seem a bit obsessed with geography, but it’s for good reason. I’ve realized how challenging the memorization of world geography can be. Result: I’m starting to slowly equip our current 4th grader for it. After asking our 9-year-old to trace South America daily for a few weeks, […]
Asia Country & Capitals Flashcards
Here we go! It’s a new semester, so we are heading into memorizing Asia with our middle schooler. A few disclaimers – provisos – quid pro quo about these cards: For the Asian island locator maps, you may need to imagine which islands are highlighted. (It’s far-too-likely I will not get around to sprucing them up […]