Several months ago, someone asked if I had a noun declension game like our verb conjugation file folder game. Since then, I’ve been working on this little somethin’ a little bit at a time (as much as a toddler and life full of other stuff will allow). And finally, it is finished (I think?)! First, […]
What about Worldview? {Studying Ancient Religions}
“Learning to discern the worldviews behind the literature we read or the entertainment we watch is a powerful safeguard against becoming the ‘simple person’ to which Solomon referred.* Many people absorb their worldview from the influences around them rather than learning to think critically about what is being communicated and to evaluate whether or not […]
The Making of a Gigantic Music Staff
Well, I guess we can add this to the list of things I never would have thought to do had it not been for our classical homeschool group – and those precious 4 and 5 year olds who are too cute (and quite perplexing) when being introduced to music theory. For years now our community […]
How to Draw a Crayfish & Crayfish Anatomy
The children in our homeschool group are recording their thoughts, observations, and conclusions in a science journal this semester. The science journals consist of blank copy paper stapled together with cardstock covers. For me, when drawing from a specimen, it can be difficult to know where to start. When I contemplated ways to help other […]
Scientific Method Printables: Posters, Lab Sheets, Bookmarks
Our homeschool has certainly shifted this year as we focus more on science. The boys are enjoying making observations, which leads to questions, which leads to experiments, which leads to more observations and conclusions. Because of this shift along with a request that was made by a family from our homeschool group, I created some […]
CC Reading Correlations: SOTW, MOH, Scholastic Match-Ups
Are you searching for a simple way to flesh out history and science memory work for the CC Foundations Program? Read about historical figures and events related to each week of each cycle of the Classical Conversations Foundations Program with our reading correlations for CC Cycle 1, Cycle 2, and Cycle 3 – Foundations Guide […]
Awestruck by a Pinto Bean
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its kind, and the tree […]
Planning, Scheduling, and Curriculum Choices (oh, my!)
In this season of my life, there’s probably nothing more ironic than me trying to explain to others how I plan do anything. In fact, I am hesitant to write my response to the planning questions I’ve received for fear that someone will think I a) have it all together, and b) possess any real […]
Timeline Thumbnails {Free printable}
While my children are mostly auditory learners, I am not. I discovered this when we had listened to the Timeline song a bajillion times and I STILL could not remember what came after Early Native Americans. In fact, I should have noticed this when our family visited Serpent Mound in Ohio and I absentmindedly sung about […]