I have to admit it. LEGOs make me crazy. Well, LEGOs themselves don’t make me crazy, but the mess associated with them does. Those of you who have LEGO-crazed children may identify? Or at least you might know what it’s like to step on one of those cute little mini-figures in the middle of the […]
Time for a reality check
Here we are, the week of the big performance. Everything else has fallen by the wayside while Stephen works in the cotton fields as a silhouette slave… …and David dances the nights away as a southern plantation “party guest.” As a glimpse of what it might have been like escaping on the Underground Railroad in […]
American Revolution Study
Once upon a time, I intensely disliked the study of history. I could hardly bear the thought of cracking open a history textbook. One thousand other things beckoned me to come hither – to spend my time with things more pleasant. As a homeschool mom, I had to overcome my fear of history boredom, for […]
Essentials Chart Mastery
After seeing our Memory Work Sticker Book and our Memory Work Mastery Chart, a mom asked if we had a chart or other visual aid to track Essentials chart mastery. Now we do, and you can download it. Download the Chart Mastery Chart here. You can color it in, use stickers, check the box, or come up with […]
We interrupt our “normal” routine for…
Our normal routine is shifting all askew for the next couple of weeks as we prepare for a performance in Cookeville, TN. In addition to our normal work, we’ve been finalizing the memorization of a few script lines along with several songs and a bit of choreography. (Of course, by “we,” I mean “they” because […]
LEGOs, Tendons, and Memory Lane
Yesterday we took a trip to the airport. This is the one I don’t like so much, the one where we say goodbye for 31 days. The Monday he leaves is always so full of emotion for all of us. Needless to say, the Tuesday after that farewell can be… rocky. Even though we were […]
Memory Work Chart {Free Printable}
On our first day at homeschool co-op, a dear friend of mine put together a memory work chart for us which has proven to be a motivating tool for our children to practice their memory work. What’s more, she asked me to share it with the whole wide world! She made a printable and then […]
Snippets from our first week
This week (or should I say last week?) marked our first week of homeschool community. So… here I am, simply trying to capture the memories before my sleep-deprived mind fails to recall a single thing. Geography & Memory Work Stephen’s been learning how to draw the U.S. free-hand. At the beginning of the week, he […]
God’s Design for Life: The Human Body {Correlated Activities}
Earlier this month, I virtually met another homeschooling mom who simply wanted to share a resource she had created with others: A reading correlation and activity list that offers suggested activities for working through The Human Body from God’s Design for Life in a single semester. Laurie has been a part of a science club […]