If you’re looking for mid-year curriculum options, our open-and-go Mission Faith Forgers curriculum can be started mid-year! In January, families can begin mid-way through our Mission Faith Forgers Guide (in Unit 4), which starts with a study of world history and modern missions from the late 1800s through modern day. While reading a living history […]
Christmas Wrap: 2022 in Review
With Christmas upon us — it’s coming up fast! — And preparing for the chill of a cold arctic blast, Staying indoors with not much left to do, We’ll recount the blessings of 2022. The year started off with sledding in snowdrifts And a trip to the Frist to see medieval long-ago-scripts. Then we jammed […]
Favorite Christmas Picture Books and Read Alouds
Are you looking for picture books and read-alouds to share with your children this Christmas season? The following books are a collection of our personal family favorites, including Christmas legends and folktales, beloved Christmas carols, art & history connections, and stories that focus on love, joy, and generosity while also celebrating the Greatest Gift ever […]
Exploring Ancient Egypt: Timelines, Maps, Projects, and More!
[Abram] communicated to them Arithmetick; and delivered to them the science of Astronomy. For before Abram came into Egypt they were unacquainted with those parts of learning: for that science came from the Chaldeans into Egypt; and from thence to the Greeks also. – Flavius Josephus of the Antiquities of the Jews, Book I, Chapter […]
Exploring Ancient Greece: Timelines, Maps, Projects, and More!
As classical educators, one of our aims is to pass on a body of knowledge, values, and ideals from which Western Civilization has stemmed, the root of which lies in three cultures – the Greeks, the Romans, and the Hebrews. If these three cultures are such a part of our heritage – and if we […]
Discovering Wonders of the World
Y’all! I have to tell you about a project our family shared together this summer because it was just so completely fascinating! In previous years, we had memorized the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, only to find out this year that there are other officially acclaimed Wonders of the Medieval World, Wonders of the […]
Exploring Ancient Rome Study: Timelines, Maps, Projects, and Games
As classical learners, our family seeks to study the knowledge, values, and ideals of those cultures which have contributed to Western Civilization: Ancient Greece, Rome, and Israel. If these three cultures are such a part of our heritage – and if we can understand so much more by studying them, why not seize the opportunity […]
Story of the World Timeline Notebook
Learning a chronological timeline is immensely valuable. Memorizing history sentences with songs is great. But… I think the single one thing that has helped me to gain a better understanding of history has been keeping a timeline… -Taken from Studying History through the Ages Five years have passed since I originally shared the thoughts above. […]
Window on the World Notebooking Pages
Window on the World has been one of our favorite geography resources for years – so much so that we’ve incorporated it as a core geography resource in our Mission: Great Commission reading plans. This book has aided us in developing cultural and geographical awareness as we read about, discuss, and pray for people around […]