Now entering…. Kentucky! State #16 of 50-States-Before-They-Graduate. Stops for this trip were planned solely from the recommendations of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood readers! For our Mid-Eastern States Itinerary, click here. As we entered northern Kentucky, our first stop was The Creation Museum in Petersburg… If you’ve never been, you can go on a virtual tour of the […]
Hocking Hills and Hopewell in Ohio {50 States}
Now entering…. Ohio! State #15 of 50-States-Before-They-Graduate. Stops for this trip were planned from the recommendations of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood readers! For our Mid-Eastern States Itinerary, click here. As we entered Ohio, we decided to go off the beaten path… to visit Old Man’s Cave in Hocking Hills State Park. I mean, what’s not […]
Memory Work Fun with LEGOs
Set up: Grab the LEGO game board template at Homeschooling on a Dime. (I laminated it because I knew it’d get a lot of use in our home.) Then, collect a stash of 2×2 (square) LEGO pieces and have each child find a minifigure. Instructions: Child answers memory work question and then gets to roll […]
Notebooking with Foldables
As we embark on our studies in astronomy, let’s revisit a method of notebooking that our children often request… Lapbooking, or notebooking with foldables. (Click here to see an assortment of lapbooks or foldable notebook pages we’ve completed.) Other homeschooling parents have asked why we would go through the trouble of using foldables to learn and […]
Dunn’s Falls in Mississippi
When you’re on the road and have a deadline to meet (as we sometimes do when traveling for my husband’s job)… and you’re aiming to specifically meet a friend you haven’t seen in years which takes you off-the-beaten path… sometimes you find a random place to explore. In this case, we stopped at Dunn’s Falls, […]
Tannehill Ironworks and U.S. Space & Rocket Center: Alabama {50 States}
Welcome to Alabama! Our first stop was the U.S. Space & Rocket Center | Huntsville, AL Levi kept saying, “I want one of those for my birthday – a toy one – but I want a real one when I’m growed up.” Tannehill Ironworks | McCalla, AL: A blower house and steam engine, a cotton gin, […]
The Preschooler’s Notebook
After focusing so much on our older boys in past posts, I figure it’s about time to highlight our preschooler, Levi. But be forewarned: I am not a creative preschool teacher. Fortunately, I don’t have to be because he’s pretty creative all by himself. Disclaimer: Our 4-year-old has the normal attention span of a 4-year-old […]
Impressionists & Classical Era Notebooking Packet {Free Printables}
Included in this packet are notebooking pages for studying music theory and a small selection of great artists (Post-Renaissance & Impressionists) and composers. This packet includes notebooking pages for: Tin Whistle Music Theory Rembrandt Linnaeus Gainsborough Monet Degas Morisot Beethoven Brahms Dvorak Click here to download our Impressionists & Classical Era Fine Arts Notebooking Pages! […]
Trash to Treasure {and other simple} Review Games
We thought we’d share a couple of simple review games now that we are about six weeks in… Trash to Treasure Review Games This is a set of games created from either a) stuff that was not being used or b) stuff that would have otherwise been thrown into the trashcan. Egg Toss Game We […]