Now entering…. Delaware! State #13 of 50-States-Before-They-Graduate. Delaware’s stop was planned solely from the recommendations of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood readers! Check out our Mid-Eastern States Itinerary. It’s hard to make judgments about favorites because we really have enjoyed every state we’ve visited, but this was possibly our favorite part of our entire Mid-Eastern States tour! [At […]
{50 States} O Say Can You See…. Maryland?
Now entering…. Maryland! State #11 of 50-States-Before-They-Graduate. Check out our Mid-Eastern States Itinerary. It’s been three months since our Mid-Eastern States Trip, and I’m afraid I’ve fallen way behind on my “homework!” So… without further ado (or procrastination)… we share with you our visit to Maryland! After our quick visit to Washington, DC, we headed […]
A Garfield Party
When your son asks for a party featuring a character whose popularity peaked in the 1980s…. … it helps if that character was your personal favorite when you were his age. [I’m thinking Garfield wasn’t as popular during the movie releases in 2004 and 2006 as he was back when there were McDonald’s Garfield toys […]
What you made possible
To the readers of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood, I want to thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read my words, to connect with me even though you may not know me personally, to allow me to share our lives with you. I have received great encouragement from you via email, comments, and prayers. I […]
Memorizing Ephesians 6 Armor of God Resources
One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 33:3: Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Why? This was the verse our oldest son chose as his favorite scripture the year that he sincerely struggled with his spirituality and made a decision for Christ. [You can read more […]
Our first two weeks…
As we crank up another school year, our schedule has sort of looked like this: Prayer & Reading Connections at Breakfast Bible & Notebook Math Language Arts (& Latin) Lunch & Memory Work Review Alternating between reading and other stuff for the rest of the day On our first day of school, the boys woke up […]
Calendar Quest: 5,000 Years of History in 16 Lessons
We did it! We studied 5,000 years of history in one summer! But before you think otherwise, the only reason we were able to cover this span of history in a single summer was because of the Western Civilization Calendar Quest Study (better known in our home just as Calendar Quest) by Brimwood Press. And lest […]
Creation Science for Kids: Ecology and Astronomy
As we prepare for our studies of ecology and astronomy this fall, I have been both relieved and excited after taking a quick look through the Creation Science for Kids: Ecology & Astronomy unit by the Homeschool Curriculum Company. After searching through many books earlier this summer, I realized that it’s not always easy to find textbooks […]
Hands-on History: Middle Ages Project Passport
While we emphasize the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic in our home on a daily basis, we use afternoons, evenings, and weekends to work on fun and engaging projects by Homeschool in the Woods. We use these history studies not because we need to – it’s because we want to. Very, very, very, very […]