Welcome to our link buffet for CC Cycle 1 Week 20! All of the following resources (and more) have already been available (organized by subject) on our Cycle 1 Resources Page. There are several resources on our Cycle 1 Subject Resources Pages that span multiple weeks. Don’t forget to check them out (especially math, science, […]
Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 21 Resources
Welcome to our link buffet for CC Cycle 1 Week 21! All of the following resources (and more) have already been available (organized by subject) on our Cycle 1 Resources Page. There are several resources on our Cycle 1 Subject Resources Pages that span multiple weeks. Don’t forget to check them out (especially math, science, […]
Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 22 Resources
Welcome to our link buffet for CC Cycle 1 Week 22! All of the following resources (and more) have already been available (organized by subject) on our Cycle 1 Resources Page. There are several resources on our Cycle 1 Subject Resources Pages that span multiple weeks. Don’t forget to check them out (especially math, science, […]
Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 23 Resources
Welcome to our link buffet for CC Cycle 1 Week 23! All of the following resources (and more) have already been available (organized by subject) on our Cycle 1 Resources Page. There are several resources on our Cycle 1 Subject Resources Pages that span multiple weeks. Don’t forget to check them out (especially math, science, […]
Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 24 Resources
Welcome to our link buffet for CC Cycle 1 Week 24! All of the following resources (and more) have already been available (organized by subject) on our Cycle 1 Resources Page. There are several resources on our Cycle 1 Subject Resources Pages that span multiple weeks. Don’t forget to check them out (especially math, science, […]
World History & Geography Resources: Ancient through Modern
Here’s our resource link buffet for World History: Ancient to Modern Times. As I come across new and improved resources, I will update this webpage to reflect those discoveries, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back often! (Note: For Classical Conversations users, this list may be used with Cycle 1 Foundations – […]
Biology & Earth Science Resources
Here’s our resource link buffet for Zoology, Botany, and Earth Science. As I come across new and improved resources, I will update this website to reflect those discoveries, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back often! Follow Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood’s board CC Cycle 1 Science on Pinterest. Biology & Earth Science Resources {For […]
Basic Drawing Skills: Six Weeks of Lesson Ideas
Thanks to homeschooling, I am slowly-but-surely learning how to draw (among many other things that I’ve learned alongside my children). This is a big feat for someone who has only drawn free-body diagrams (physics) and stick figures (not physics). Here I’ll give you what has worked best for me, a beginner, in drawing. We’ll start […]
English Grammar Resources: Prepositions, Linking & Helping Verbs
Welcome to our list of resources for practicing prepositions, linking verbs, and helping verbs. This list of grammar resources provides practice with learning and applying these elements of English grammar. In the primary grades (K-2), our children learn quite a bit of English grammar through our custom-built plan based on the Words are Categorical […]