This year we’ve been reading and discussing the book Created for Work as an extra devotional in our home — and I only wish we had found it sooner!
Although this resource is recommended for boys in middle school and up, we’ve found that it applies to our whole family — from our 5th grader to our 10th grader, and even to us as adults! In fact, despite the subtitle, I would recommend this book for families with both boys and girls and with children of any age.
With short, interesting, and engaging chapters, author Bob Schultz uses real-life stories from his own childhood and from his experience as a contractor to emphasize biblical principles that counter modern culture’s tendency to embrace ease and entertainment (which often results in dishonesty, unproductivity, and a general lack of work ethic). Each chapter is about 4 pages in length and is a complete story/devotional by itself with quotes, anecdotes, analogies, scripture references, and discussion prompts. (Click on the images below to enlarge the text.)
The chapters are titled as follows:
Created for Work may be used as an independent study or as a family read-aloud with discussion questions provided at the close of each chapter. The examples provided in this book encourage the development of godly character and a healthy attitude towards work, focusing on a variety of character traits such as creativity, respect for authority, integrity, and diligence. We highly recommend this resource for families with children of all ages!
This post was originally published on: Sep 25, 2024.