Though all of me loves Christmastime for what it represents, the Aggie in me loves Christmastime because we have so many traditions to celebrate this joyous time of year!
Making homemade gifts
We make homemade gifts, usually ornaments, for Sunday School Teachers, co-op teachers, etc. We occasionally bake cookies (like the Pillsbury Reindeer cookies you find on the shelf at the grocery store, for example), but since I’m not much of a chef, we usually stick to some sort of craft. Next year we may graduate to something more substantial, like woodworking projects.
And this year we put them in some homemade boxes and bags using some very cute templates offered by The Toymaker.
Christmas wRap
Every year we make a feeble attempt at “wrapping up” our year in rhyme. At one time we simply called this our Christmas letter or Christmas poem, but in my former years as a middle school math teacher, my students had me rap it instead of read it to them. And so it became known as… The Christmas wRap.
A New Christmas Ornament
Every year our children get one new ornament that represents something they were interested in or something they accomplished over the course of the year. We wrap it and give it to them as a gift the night we put up the Christmas tree. We also have at least one from our family’s travels or from milestones we hit as a family.
Driving aimlessly around to look at Christmas Lights
I think this is a favorite for most everybody. This year we enjoyed Chad’s Winter Wonderland in Lebanon, TN and plan to go back next year.
Bass Pro Shops Santa’s Wonderland
What would Christmas be without Levi being scared half to death of Santa? Yes, this has become an all-time favorite tradition, seeing how we have a bunch of boys in our family… (And at least Levi let Santa get somewhat close to him. Stephen wasn’t going within 20 feet of him. David, on the other hand, had lots of requests, so he and Santa were pretty good buddies.)
New PJs on Christmas Eve
Our children get to open one gift on Christmas Eve: their new Christmas Pajamas! And they can even loaf around in them all day on Christmas!
Tin Foil Star:
Gary brought his own childhood tradition to life for us this Christmas. It worked out well because we could not find a single star at the stores ANYWHERE. And, we got to use Betsy Ross’s One-Snip Star. I’m happy as a lark to have been so useful!
Listening to Old Time Radio Show Christmas episodes
We usually listen to a few old Christmas radio shows. The one that we like to listen to the most is The Cinnamon Bear (26 episodes), and have used an accompanying coloring book in the past.
Cookies for Santa Plate
It’s not just the cookies. It’s the plate. Stephen let me know that by telling me it was time to “fill the Cookies-for-Santa plate.” And so I went to that shelf in the grocery store and picked up those reindeer cookies…
They turned out great!
Waffles on Christmas morning
So simple. And although I used Bisquick this year, at least I don’t hear anyone saying “Lego my Eggo.”
Celebrating when Daddy’s home: We usually have to re-arrange our schedule during the holidays (and we inform Santa as well). When Gary is gone on Christmas Day, we celebrate twice. And when we celebrate twice, the boys get to pick out the Christmas Dinner Menu on the real Christmas Day. Anyone care for some Kraft Mac n Cheese and Corn Dogs at their Christmas meal? How about some Happy Birthday Jesus birthday cake for desert? It’s the boxed-cake mix variety. Along with another favorite: Pillsbury frosting.
What I hope become traditions for future Christmases…
A Jesse Tree:
I just now discovered Jesse Trees. How could I be in the dark about something so incredible for so long?!? This is such a great idea for focusing on the real meaning of the season! I am still trying to figure out if we will buy a pre-packaged Jesse Tree set of ornaments, or if we will search the stores for ornaments that represent each story, or if we will make homemade ornaments out of felt. Until we figure that out, we have some great coloring pages to use as we discuss the whole story of Christ.
A shoot will spring forth from Jesse, and a branch from its roots. Isaiah 11:1
Building Bethlehem Town: A Paper Village
Another incredible thing I just discovered – an entire Bethlehem town made of paper toys! Oh, goody, goody, goody!
I’m hoping that we can at least put together the Nativity scene this year.
The following are available at My Little House
Nativity Figures, Nativity House, Shepherds, Plants, and Animals
NOTE: Books 1-5 are a zipped file (.rar) that you will need to unzip. If you do not have a program that handles .rar files, you can install a free evaluation version of Winzip at After it’s installed, double-click on the file and Winzip should come up. Click on “Use Evaluation Version.” Then click on “1-Click Unzip.” (You may need to highlight the files first – I can’t remember if you have to do that or not.) All of the rest of the booklets are simply pdf files.
Bible Town
You can also find a regular Paper Toy Santa Christmas Village on
And…. we hope to add…
A Thankfulness Garland to our tree…
and use…
An Advent Calendar full of activities we can do together as a family each day.
Merry Christmas to all, and Best Wishes for a Splendid 2012!