This year has raced by, lickety-split.
For anyone else has this year been a revvin’?
Come on now, slow down, Twenty-Eleven!
Back in January, Gary headed to South Korea
Assigned to Poseidon, a ship bound for Tanzania.
With trips to Stavanger and Kristiansand
Ocean Rig sent him to many new lands.
They stayed there two weeks, and we partied 3 times!
Levi started saying a whole bunch of stuff;
He spoke “excavator” before he even said “cup”!
In March we dropped by Casey Jones’s home
As we headed out west to where the buffalo roam.
Visiting family in OK, hiking the Wichitas
Learning about Comanche Codetalkers at the museum with Grandma.
We hiked to Fish Ladder and Jed Johnson Lake’s Tower,
The Holy City, and Mt. Scott – with our cousins for hours!
In Huntsville we visited the U.S. Space Center
As we said goodbye to the cold days of winter.
A season of T-ball and soccer once again
Where Stephen scored the last goal for the Hurricanes’ win.
We learned about critters through many nature studies
And had a fun field day with a bunch of our buddies.
We finished our first year of Classical Conversations
Studying physics, fine arts and Latin verb conjugations.
Stephen memorized over four hundred facts
And walked away with the “Memory Master” title attached.
We flew down to Destin to reward his hard work
And sailed on a dolphin cruise where David went berserk!
And asked for a fruity British flag cake
Other things we did? Well, to name a few:
BurgessFalls, a PowWow, and the Chatty Choo Choo.
TN Aquarium and the museum in Oak Ridge
These are just a few of the things that we did.
And built on to our home where the patio stood.
We chronicled our family’s activities and thoughts
On a site called
We were thankful to have our museum travel passes.
(But we knew we’d become a little too bold:
At the Museum of Fine Arts, chasing a two-year-old.)
We took an extra road trip to see the Alamo, too.
For more training, we drove down I-10 to Lafayette
We looked at dem birds and dem gators, bold n brass
Den listened to some people Bashin’ de Trash.
Bird city, Vermilionville, de Acadiana Zoo
In November we made our Thanksgiving Tree,
Visited Whistlestop, and then drove to Union City.
There we rode in Uncle Darrell’s cool cars
And cooked Uncle Steve’s deer on the backyard campfar.
We played Hedbanz with uncles, cousins and aunts
And ate till we couldn’t fit into our pants.
Now December is here; Levi has turned three.
This year we’ve been blessed, and we’re just plain happy.
For there’s something that causes joy deep in our hearts-
It’s a story of God’s grace, and here’s how it starts:
“Unto us a child is born, to us a son given.”
“Unto us a child is born, to us a son given.”
He provides us the hope of a life worth livin’.
So as we race ‘round these stores in high gear
Let’s not forget the real reason we’re here.
God sent His One Son to earth here below
The gift of God’s grace with much love to bestow.
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulders. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
Merry Christmas from the Ferrell Funny Farm!
Gary, Brandy, Stephen, David & Levi