All of the following resources (and more) have already been available (organized by subject) on our Cycle 3 Resources Page. There are several resources on our Cycle 3 Subject Resources Pages that span multiple weeks. You will not find memory work verbiage in my links lists or in my documents.
Cycle 3 Reading Plans
For a reading/curriculum plan that overlaps much of the memory work studied during Cycle 3 with an emphasis on America’s foundations of faith along with an integrated study of U.S. history, geography, and fine arts (along with science studies from a Christian worldview), check out our Mission: Lasting Liberty Curriculum Plan. (Although Mission: Lasting Liberty is not directly correlated to the memory work, it includes a more complete study of anatomy, chemistry, and U.S. History.)
For a reading plan/schedule that corresponds more directly with the Classical ConversationsⓇ Foundations Program, visit our Cycle 3 Reading Plans page.
Please do not copy and paste the following links into other emails, documents, or websites. If you would like to share these links with others, please send them a link to this webpage. By honoring this request, you ensure that our family’s efforts to provide free homeschool resources can continue. Thank you for using and recommending Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood to others. It blesses us in return!
For a simple example of how to use these resources, download our Cycle 3 Second Quarter Sample Activity Plan. {I have not had the time to put something like this together for third or fourth quarter, but you can use this as a guideline.}
We provide this “Link Buffet” as a service to other homeschooling families. This is simply meant to be a reference site to pick and choose what you wish to do!
During the school year, we only know about broken links if we are notified by our readers, so please notify us of broken or outdated links, and we’ll get them fixed for you ASAP. If you’d like to add a great resource to this list, feel free to contact me or leave it in the comments!
These resources correlate to both the Foundations Guide 4th Edition and the Foundations Guide 5th Edition.
The Link Buffet – CC Cycle 3 Week 22
Idea: History Topic (State or local history)
Skill: Gestures and facial expressions (control habitual movements)
Presentation Prep: Skills & Ideas
Recommended Books
The Little Chapel that Stood. Lovely poem about the historic chapel that still stands within 100 yards of where the Twin Towers fell. Remembers the events of 9/11 and how the nation responded during a time of tragedy.
Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey. The true story of how a retired fireboat was used in a heroic effort to battle the flames on 9/11.
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers. In 1974 a French acrobat performed on a high-wire suspended between the two towers of the World Trade Center.
When Stravinsky Met Nijinsky: Two Artists Their Ballet and One Extraordinary Riot. Fabulous book that brings the Rite of Spring to life for young children!
English Grammar – 5th Edition (Phrases)
Phrases: The Basics and How to Diagram
Prepositional Phrases PDF
Misplaced or Dangling Modifiers PDF
English Grammar – 4th Edition (Clauses)
What are Clauses?
The Basics of Clauses in English
Clause Overview
Sentence Diagramming Tool
Find the Subordinate Clause
Adjectival Clauses (older elementary) PDF
Adverbial Clauses (older elementary) PDF
Dependent and Independent Clause Worksheets
Simple Compound Complex Sentence Notes
Misplaced or Dangling Modifiers PDF
American History Timeline Figures
Our Accordion Fold Timeline
Our Timeline Wall: What the CC timeline looks like and what we learned
Other Timeline Resources and Free Clip-Art
John 1 Print and Cursive Copywork
John 1 Latin Flashcards & Games
John 1:1-7 Song in English and Latin from King Things (on Spotify)
Other Latin Resources
Math – Current Week
Commutative Law and Identity Law of Addition
Pesky Properties Sorting/Solving Equations
Associative Property of Multiplication
Properties of Addition Foldable/Visual
Properties of Multiplication Explanation with Visuals
Commutative Law and Identity Law of Addition
Identifying Properties of Addition
Identifying Properties of Addition 2
Identifying Properties of Multiplication
StudyJams Properties of Addition
Science – 4th Edition
Answers in Genesis – Catastrophism
Mount St. Helens and Uniformitarianism vs. Catastrophism
Science – 5th Edition
Probability of Evolution
Problem Solving with Probability
World Trade Center Complex Paper Model
Boatlift An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience (10-minute video)
PBS: America Rebuilds
Presidents and First Ladies – Field Trip Guide
9/11 The Pentagon
Lesson Plans from 911
911 and the Constitution Lessons
911 and the Constitution PDF
9/11 Fact Sheet (A great overview of the Twin Towers and 9/11)
America in the 20th Century Lap Pak
Fine Arts: Orchestra & Composers
Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring Video Performance
Stravinsky Coloring Page
Stravinsky Bio and Information about his Symphonies
Free Stravinsky MP3s (and info)
American Artists & Romantic/Modern Era Fine Arts Notebooking Packet
Classical Conversations Orchestra MP3 Song (Free Public Library – CC Connected)
The House on Melody Street (Intro to Instrument Families)
The King’s Singers Singing Famous Composer names in the style of the Composer
Online Interactive – Match the instruments to the sounds
Many other activities (including composers and music) on our Orchestra & Composers Page
Geography-Current Week
What is a Desert? NPS Activity
Deserts for Kids on National Geographic
Mojave National Preserve
NeoK12 Deserts for Kids
Geography – Physical Features Overall
Chester Comix North American Geography
Landforms On-Line Game
Major U.S. geographical features cut-and-paste
USA Major Landforms Map
How to Make a Salt-Dough Map
Geography – States & Capitals Review
States & Capitals file folder game
Others States & Capitals Resources
Other resources
Ways to Practice Memory Work
Memory Work Review Games
Our Classical Notebook
CC Reading Correlations for SOTW MOH & Scholastic
Cycle 3 Reading Plans