If you’re new to our Mission: Great Commission Curriculum, this series takes families through a study of the entire world over a three-year period, with Mission: World Wonders exploring ancient to medieval history along with world cultures, religions, and missions, Mission: Faith Forgers providing an overview of church history in the midst of world history from the protestant reformation through modern times, and Mission: Lasting Liberty focusing on the history of the United States of America. This missions-focused curriculum explores social studies and science while integrating the study of scripture, history, geography, missions, hymns, and fine arts for Grades 2-8.
At Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood, we aim to provide a complete course of study for Grades K-12, one in which families can experience many of the benefits of a one-room schoolhouse atmosphere. Our long-term vision is to develop high school plans that correspond to the topics studied in each of our core Grade 2-8 curriculum options so that high school students can remain connected to their families as they earn high school credit, learning the same general topics at a deeper and more challenging level. Spring 2025 Update: The first two years of our program are finished and we are currently working on the remaining two years! Check out the High School Lesson Plans: Truth Trek Series for high school students.
As a first step towards that end, we offer some suggested sequences along with curriculum recommendations for studying high school subjects as they correspond with each program within our Mission: Great Commission Curriculum series. If you have a middle school student, be sure to check out these suggestions for homeschooling middle school with Mission: Great Commission. In the future, we aim to write detailed curriculum plans for high school students. Until then, you can use the following as a guide for selecting curriculum for fulfilling high school credits.
Note: The above corresponding subjects will overlap the topics studied in each of our K-8 curriculum programs. In Mission: World Wonders, families study biology (1st semester), earth science (2nd semester), world geography, and world history (Ancient to Renaissance). In Mission: Faith Forgers, families study astronomy (1st semester), physical science (2nd semester), world geography, and world history (Reformation to Modern along with an overview of the history of the Christian church). In Mission: Lasting Liberty, families study anatomy (1st semester), chemistry (2nd semester), the U.S. Constitution, and U.S. history & geography.
Although we are not professional college entrance counselors, the following basic course of study qualifies students to receive a high school diploma at an accredited school in the state of Tennessee. Consult your state education standards, a local school guidance counselor, and/or your preferred college’s entrance requirements to further modify the following scope & sequence options for your family.
The following scope & sequence charts assume that a student is in 9th grade when his/her family is using a Mission: Great Commission curriculum option. For families who use our elementary programs when a high school student enters grades 10-12, find the corresponding volume of Mission: Great Commission under their grade level and proceed. For example, if a family is using Mission: Lasting Liberty when they have a student in Grade 10, find the “Grade 10 (Mission: Lasting Liberty)” heading in the tables below to determine the recommended sequence from that point forward. (If using these sequences after 9th grade, just be sure to confirm that all past high school credits and the future sequence will provide the student with all required credits for graduation.)
The above recommended scope and sequence charts are available in the download below (or click here), along with suggested curriculum choices. Check back for details, reviews, and additional options at a later date.
Our family looks forward to serving other families as we continue to seek God’s direction and guidance on the road ahead. Thank you for allowing us to play this part in your lives!
Refer to the listings below for resources that qualify for high school credit. This is also included in the above download.
Suggested Resources to Check Out
We’ve reviewed several curricular options over the past year, and the following courses are qualify for fulfilling high school credits. As you can see, there are dozens (actually, hundreds) of options available. We will be providing more details about these options in the coming months. You can check out sample lessons of each at the following links. Our family’s top picks are marked with an asterisk.
Many of the resources below are part of the Compass Classroom Membership, a monthly subscription option allowing homeschool families access to over 30 products. You can test drive all the courses for free!
American History
- Dave Raymond’s American History.* Fantastic blend of engaging video-based history lessons and primary source documents. Recommended for pairing with Mission: Lasting Liberty. Download free lessons. We’ve had so many great discussions in our family as a result of Dave Raymond’s history. You can read our review and see the portfolio and projects he’s completed here.
- Dave Raymond’s Modernity.* Fantastic blend of engaging video-based history lessons and primary source documents covering U.S and world history in the 20th century. Recommended for pairing with Mission: Lasting Liberty if your have completed Dave Raymond’s American history and your state requires two years of American history credit. Download free lessons.
- America in God’s Providence. This Christian worldview approach to history spans 500 years of American history, beginning with Columbus and ending with Post-Christian America in 2023. Beautiful layout and simple to implement.
- Notgrass Exploring America. This single curriculum can provide a full high school credit in U.S. History, English, and Bible.
World History
- Dave Raymond’s Antiquity.* Fantastic blend of engaging video-based ancient history lessons and primary source documents. Recommended for pairing with Mission: World Wonders. Download free lessons.
- Dave Raymond’s Modernity.* Fantastic blend of engaging video-based history lessons and primary source documents. Download free lessons.
- Dave Raymond’s Christendom. Fantastic blend of engaging video-based history lessons and primary source documents. Download free lessons.
- History of the World. This course places Jesus Christ in the center of history and how the Great Commission has traveled into every major nation, empire, and tribe around the world.
- History of Western Civilization. This 2,000 year survey of the rise and fall of the Christian West uses two engaging history texts, Epoch, and The Story of Freedom. Great for family discussion or for working independently. Simple to implement.
- Notgrass Exploring World History. This single curriculum can provide a full high school credit in World History, English, and Bible.
- Notgrass Exploring World Geography. A one-year high school physical and cultural geography course that provides students with one year of high school credit in three subjects: World Geography, English, and Bible. Recommended for families using Mission: World Wonders.
- Old Western Culture: The Greeks. Literature and history curriculum especially for those who wish to focus on the foundations of classical education.
- Old Western Culture: The Romans. Literature and history curriculum especially for those who wish to focus on the foundations of classical education.
- Old Western Culture: Christendom. Literature and history curriculum especially for those who wish to focus on the foundations of classical education.
English Composition & Literature
- Teaching the Classics.* For parent instruction on teaching literature using Socratic dialogue, for grades elementary through high school. Includes an introduction to literary analysis. Highly recommended!
- IEW Structure & Style for Students Year 1 Level C.* Twenty-four weeks of video-based lessons for high school students new to IEW. Introduces all nine structures and styles, as well as response to literature. Try three weeks free here.
- IEW Structure & Style for Students Year 2 Level C. Twenty-four weeks of video-based lessons for high school students who are familiar with the 9 Writing Structures of IEW. This course reviews previously introduced structures and style along with response to literature and continues into full literary analysis. Try three weeks free here.
- University-Ready Writing. From note-taking strategies to writing on-demand essays, this twelve-week video-based course takes high school and college students through writing summaries, essays, abstracts, and more as they also develop their skills in arranging content, using literary devices, and applying style guidelines.
- Great Christian Classics Volume 1. This one-year high school literature course includes a study of Augustine’s Confessions, Patrick’s Confessions, Knox’s History of the Reformation in Scotland, Bunyan’s Grace Abounding, and Paton’s missionary Autobiography. Also available are Great Christian Classics Volume 2 covering Athanasius’ On the Incarnation, A’Kempis’ The Imitation of Christ, Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion (abridged), and Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress; and Great Christian Classics Volume 3 covering Beowulf, Paradise Lost by John Milton, The Freedom of a Christian by Martin Luther, Three Sermons of Jonathan Edwards by Jonathan Edwards, and The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer, providing a total of 3 years of high school literature credit.
- Worldviews in Conflict. This literature course compares the Christian worldview to the predominant worldviews students will encounter in college and in popular culture (using the writings of philosophers, literary figures, film, and pop culture) and includes an analysis of influential literary works from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea.
- Creative Writing through Literature (1/2 credit).* Taught by Dr. Jonathan Rogers, author of The Wilderking Trilogy, this course is designed to help students to become better writers by examining and practicing techniques used in beloved classics such as To Kill a Mockingbird, The Hobbit, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Students learn to write compelling narrative through effective dialogue, memorable characters, and more. Try free lessons by clicking on “Try Free Lessons.” (We recommend using this program during first semester and Windows to the World during second semester for a full credit in literature and composition.)
- Grammar of Poetry (1/2 credit).* This course teaches the mechanics of poetry by using the classical approach of imitation. Although designed for 6-9th grade, it is also appropriate for older students seeking to achieve a better knowledge of how poetry works. Download two free lessons here by clicking on “Try Sample Lessons.”
- Grammar for Writers (1/2 credit).* Taught by Jonathan Rogers, author of The Wilderking Trilogy, this course is designed to help students and writers analyze their own writing, diagnose problems, and write better sentences. Try free lessons here.
- Apologia American Literature. A thorough overview of American literature. Great for preparing for the American Literature CLEP exam.
- American Literature Video-Based Course. Explore some of the greatest works in American history with this course which surveys both prose and poetry and includes assigned essays for a full credit of high school English (composition & American literature).
- Advanced U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons.* Great option to pair up with American history/literature study. Recommended for pairing with our Mission: Lasting Liberty program.
- World & British Literature Video-Based Course. Explore some of the greatest epic works written throughout the history of the world with this course which includes assigned essays for a full credit of high school English (composition & World or British literature).
- Bible-Based Writing Lessons. This collection of writing lessons provides the opportunity to increase students’ understanding of Scripture while improving their writing abilities as they tackle all of IEW’s nine units. Uses actual passages from Scripture as source texts. Recommended for families using Mission: World Wonders or Mission: Faith Forgers.
- The Elegant Essay (1/2 credit). From thesis statements to transitions, introductions, and conclusions, students will learn the building blocks of a well-crafted essay.
- Windows to the World (1/2 credit).* This introduction to literary analysis teaches high school level students how to analyze elements of literature: setting, plot, characterization, imagery, allusions, parallelism, and more. This comes with a digital copy of A Syllabus for Introduction to Literary Analysis. (We recommend completing Creative Writing through Literature first semester and Windows to the World during second semester for a full credit in literature and composition.)
- Fitting Words – Classical Rhetoric.* Study the most famous speeches of all time and practice the skills of effective oratory. This rhetoric curriculum trains students in the five skills of oratory: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery and provides opportunities for students to deliver their words with conviction, elegance, and persuasiveness. Try a sample lesson here.
- IEW Classical Rhetoric through Structure & Style.* Compose essays and arguments based on the Progymnasmata while learning to write with structure and style.
- Experience Biology. Video-based, self-paced Biology course that includes automatic grading of quizzes and exams. Also includes videos of experiments. Great for parents who don’t feel comfortable with teaching high school level science. Check out a free lesson here.
- Experience Chemistry. Video-based, self-paced Chemistry course that includes automatic grading of quizzes and exams. Also includes videos of experiments. Great for parents who don’t feel comfortable with teaching high school level science. Check out a free lesson here.
- Experience Physics. Video-based, self-paced Physics course that includes automatic grading of quizzes and exams. Also includes videos of experiments. Great for parents who don’t feel comfortable with teaching high school level science. Check out a free lesson here.
- Physical Science Explored PLUS. Video-based, self-paced high school physical science course that includes automatic grading of quizzes and exams. Also includes videos of experiments. Great for parents who don’t feel comfortable with teaching high school level science. Check out a free lesson here.
- Devotional Biology. Biological sciences taught from a creationist perspective, including the nature of life, Biblical kinds, biosystems, biodiversity, cell theory, the history of life, and more. Download two free lessons.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Physical Science. A physical science course that focuses on chemistry and physics to prepare students for deeper science studies in high school chemistry and physics.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology. This basic course in biology covers all the topics students need to be successfully prepared for a college-level biology course. This program inspired our first son to double major in chemistry and biology and successfully prepared him for his first biology courses in college.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry. This basic course in chemistry covers all the topics students need to be successfully prepared for a college-level chemistry course.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition.* Fantastic health course covering the physical, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual aspects of maturing into a healthy adult. Students study the systems of the human body, senses, genetics, temperaments, and more.
- Discovering Design with Chemistry.* This basic course in chemistry covers all the topics students need to be successfully prepared for a college-level chemistry course and covers the classification of matter, atomic structure, spectroscopy, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, physical change, chemical change, stoichiometry, solutions, ideal gases, acid/base chemistry, reduction/oxidation reactions, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, kinetics, and chemical equilibrium. This program inspired our first son to double major in chemistry and biology and successfully prepared him for his first chemistry courses in college.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Physics.* This basic course in physics covers all the topics students need to be successfully prepared for a college-level physics course. Prerequisites: Algebra 1, Geometry, and an introduction to the definitions of sine, cosine, and tangent. This program inspired our second son to go into mechanical engineering.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology. An advanced biology course for students who have completed biology and chemistry.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Marine Biology. An advanced biology course for students who have completed Biology I.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Advanced Chemistry. An advanced chemistry course for students who have completed Chemistry I.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Advanced Physics. An advanced chemistry course for students who have completed Physics I.
Economics & Government
- Economics for Everybody. An entertaining exploration of the principles, practices, and consequences of economics, linking entrepreneurship with lemonade, cartoons with markets, and Charlie Chaplin with supply and demand. It’s funny, clever, profound and instructive all in one place. Read our review. Download two free lessons here.
- How the World Runs. Explores topics in both micro and macroeconomics from a Christian worldview.
- Notgrass Exploring Economics. A one-semester high school course providing one half-year of credit in economics and an optional one half-year of credit in English. Encourages students to become a better steward and contribute to the economy on the personal, household, local, national, and international level.
- Notgrass Exploring Government. A one-semester high school course providing one half-year of credit in U.S. government and an optional half-year of credit in English (literature and composition). Students explore the government of the United States from its beginning to the present with special emphasis on the Biblical pattern for government and on the U.S. Constitution.
- Constitutional Literacy with corresponding Student Workbook. This DVD-based course explains the history, theory, and application of the Constitution and what it means for the future of American self-government.
- Fitting Words – Classical Rhetoric.* Study the most famous speeches of all time and practice the skills of effective oratory. This rhetoric curriculum trains students in the five skills of oratory: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery and provides opportunities for students to deliver their words with conviction, elegance, and persuasiveness. Try a sample lesson here.
- Filmmaking from the First Directors. Full credit for Arts/Drama.
- The Story of Great Music. Earn a half credit in fine art, music, art appreciation, or humanities with this course which uses high-quality performances alongside written materials on each musical period and composer.
- Architects of the Ancient World.* Favorite art course of our high school student. Other courses are also available, along with some free art lessons you can try out. Take a closer look at this art course here.
- How Should We Then Live? Earn a half credit in history/philosophy with this course which traces the rise and decline of Western culture from a Christian perspective.
- Philosophy: Consequences of Ideas. Earn a half credit in the humanities with this course which develops a student’s worldview by studying consequential ideas of history through video lectures and primary source texts.
- Introductory & Intermediate Logic.* A foundational course in logical argument that we feel every student should study. Find out why this subject is so important here.
- Apologia Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition.* Fantastic course covering the physical, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual aspects of maturing into a healthy adult. Students study the systems of the human body, senses, genetics, temperaments, and more.
- Modern Parables. Modern Parables is an original film-based Bible study series on Jesus’ parables. It uses short films combined with teaching by pastors and in-depth study materials including 10 additional Study Books.
Foreign Language
- Visual Latin.* The most enjoyable Latin curriculum we have found to date. Read our review here.
- Spanish Grammar from Latin Roots. This unique course teaches students introductory Spanish using an effective approach based on Latin grammar with a goal of reading the New Testament in Spanish by the end of the course.
- Memoria Press Form Series. If you’re aiming to study Henle Second Year Latin or higher in high school, the Memoria Press Form series (First Form, Second Form, Third Form, and Fourth Form) is a thorough DVD-based program that takes you through all the content presented in Henle First Year Latin (but in a much more effective manner than Henle First Year Latin).
Check back for details, reviews, and additional options at a later date. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or send us a message!