This week we discovered that small pieces of spaghetti dance when placed in a solution of water, vinegar and baking soda.
We pulled out some old File Folder Games I made last year before David was really ready to learn to read. (It’s so much easier to teach them to read when they want to learn to read!)
The file folder games we’ve enjoyed this week are:
I’m so glad I made these last year, since I’ve been struggling with motivation this week.
We’re reading Sign of the Beaver and completing a book club unit study with friends in conjunction with the Total Language Plus workbook. This is our first time to meet with friends in a book club setting. More about those activities in a later post.
Stephen asked for the first volume of Sugar Creek Gang audiobooks. (I actually have to tell him to stop listening to it.) You can download Swamp Robber for free. Our whole family loves this series!
I made a Memory Work Sticker-Book for David (Download a copy here). He earns a coin for each piece of memory work he can recite. And all of a sudden, he’s motivated!
Levis’ been practicing cutting skills with construction-themed activity packs.
And then Daddy came home! So now it’s on to more important things like playing tickle monster and making campfires and helping with yardwork and building a train set.
So, if we’re quiet for a while, you’ll know why.
Last week I came across a disturbing video and feel absolutely compelled to share it. I had never really thought about the parental rights movement much and even thought that maybe the amendment was an overreaction to the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child. After all, this push for “rights of the child” seems harmless – a way to protect our children. I even thought, It’s all in the best interest of the child…
I was so mistaken.
In the name of “protecting” children, the UNCRC strips the parents of the ability to protect them. To even bring this up is a big deal to me. I duck away from controversy and try not to impose my viewpoint about so many things, but this?!? This?!? It is scary. Watch Overruled: Government Invasion of your Parental Rights.
Watch this. Share it with others. I plead with you as I look across the faces of my children – these boys whom I want to protect and love and cherish with all of my might. I never want to be stripped of my God-given responsibility to take care of them.