Three Billy Goats Gruff Paper Puppets,
Minecraft Blocks,
a paper trebuchet catapult (that actually works!),
a Moving Copernican and Ptolemaic System,
(Originally, I was hoping that Stephen would make it like a real cathedral and not finish it in our lifetime, but… let’s just say it’s a blessing that he’s more patient and perseverant than I am!)
Our favorite papercraft, paper toy, and paper model websites:
- Canon Creative Park. A vast assortment of colorful and more complex papercrafts, including paper models for science and architecture, which oftentimes have some sort of history connection to what we’ve studied in the past.
- The Toymaker. This site contains paper gift boxes, paper puppets, skip-counting and math toys, and other fun toys that move.
- This has an assortment of paper models that we’ve completed over the past few yeasr, including Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, the Santa Maria, and the Neuschwanstein Castle. A few years ago, we also built an “I Spy” America City with templates of U.S. Landmarks.
- Delta7Studios, which provides some paper models of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
- My Little House, which contains papercrafts of events from the Bible (especially Easter and Christmas), as well as flannelgraph templates and an Armor of God paper toy. I sorted links of the various pieces of the Christmas Village on our Christmas Traditions post a couple of years ago.
- Minecraft Papertoys. Blocks, characters, mobs, items, and more for the Minecraft fans.
If you have a favorite papercraft website, we’d love for you to include it in the comments!