Our homeschool has certainly shifted this year as we focus more on science. The boys are enjoying making observations, which leads to questions, which leads to experiments, which leads to more observations and conclusions. Because of this shift along with a request that was made by a family from our homeschool group, I created some printables that I thought I’d share as we make an effort to focus on the scientific method in our own home.
We have a quick way for you to remember the steps of the scientific method. Sing to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb:”
The scientific method is question, research, hypothesis, experiment, analysis, conclusion.
We also found that you can sing it to the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel” by adding the word “and” between question and research.
Two options of our scientific method printables: Clipart or smiley faces.
Each option has a matching lab sheet and bookmarks.
Copyright note: If you wish to share my work with others, please provide a link to this page (or the respective page of whatever you may be sharing). By downloading these files, you agree to honor our Terms of Use. It will ensure that we can continue to invest in providing more resources for you in the future. Thank you so much!
Download Posters, Lab Sheets, and Bookmarks:
Scientific Method Emoji Poster
Scientific Method Emoji Lab Sheet
Scientific Method Emoji Bookmarks
Scientific Method Clipart Poster
Scientific Method Clipart Lab Sheet
Scientific Method Clipart Bookmarks
Scientific Method Emoji Poster – Color (Different version with: Purpose, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Results, Conclusion. If using this version, you can sing it to the tune of “Pop Goes the Weasel.” The scientific method is purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results, conclusion.)