While our family enjoys using technology to practice our states and capitals (like Seterra and Sheppard Software), we enjoy playing file folder and card/board games with each other. Here are a few file folder and flashcard games that encourage interaction between people (instead of with a computer)!
Show Me Tell Me
Show me. With state/capital side up, player draws a card and tries to find that location on the map. Flip the card over to verify that it’s the correct answer.
Tell me. With number side up, player draws a card and locates the number on the map. Student says the state and capital for that location. Flip the card over to verify that it’s the correct answer.
If player is correct, they keep the card. Player with most number of cards at the end of game play is the winner.
States & Capitals Match
State-and-Locate the State. Given capital, name the state and find its location. With capital side up, player draws a card, identifies the state, and tries to find that location on the map. Flip the card over to verify that it’s the correct answer.
Matching. Place cards face up with capitals in one column and states in another. Allow student to match state to capital. (And have them identify where it is on the map.)
Memory. Place cards face down (either mixed up or in columns). Flip over two cards to make a match. If player is correct, they keep the cards. Player with most number of cards at the end of game play is the winner.
Download Show Me Tell Me File Folder Game here.
Download States & Capitals Matching Game here.
During our study of American history we use Draw the USA to memorize the states. It’s a great way to simplify memorizing how to draw the USA free-hand. In fact, if you’re memorizing how to draw the world freehand, we highly recommend the entire Draw the… [Continent] books by Kristin Draeger.
During our study of American history we use Draw the USA to memorize the states. It’s a great way to simplify memorizing how to draw the USA free-hand. In fact, if you’re memorizing how to draw the world freehand, we highly recommend the entire Draw the… [Continent] books by Kristin Draeger.
For more detailed instructions, grab a copy of Draw the World and/or Draw the USA.

Draw the World
Learn to draw the world from memory! Draw the World provides students with a simple method of committing a continent outline map of the world to memory. Through simple, step-by-step instructions, students learn to draw each continent as it connects to neighboring continents. This resource is also used in the Mission Pacific Peacemakers Six-Week Unit Study.
Suggested grades: Elementary through High School
Price: $19.95
Format: Paperback.
Draw the USA
Learn to draw and label the United States of America from memory! Draw the USA provides students with a simple method of committing the map of the USA to memory. Through simple, step-by-step instructions, students learn to draw each state as it connects to neighboring states. This resource is used in Units 5 & 6 of our Mission: Lasting Liberty curriculum.
Suggested grades: Elementary through High School
Price: $19.95
Format: Paperback.

States and Capitals Songs CD + Map Kit
Learn the names and locations of the 50 states and capitals with these catchy songs! Divided by geographical regions, these echo-style songs make it simple to memorize the states and capitals. The USA is divided into five geographical regions: Northern Border States, Southern Border States, Eastern Border States, Middle States, and Pacific States. This resource is used in Units 1 & 2 of our Mission: Lasting Liberty curriculum.
Suggested grades: Elementary School
Price: $12.95
Format: Kit consists of an audio CD and a 25″x36″ blackline map of the USA with 172 items to label. The lyrics are included on the map. Students sing the state/capital names in geographical order.