In case you’re curious, I wanted to tell you why I invest the time to blog when I could be taking a long, hot bubble bath (or just sleep!) instead.
- Our number one reason was my husband. This blog was originally created as a tool for connecting with Daddy when he’s at work on a different continent. Even though he’s gone half the time, he finally feels like he’s a part of what we do in his absence. It helps him to keep up and engage with the kids over the phone, too!
- After creating my first Blog2Print book in 2011, I discovered that I can create a yearbook for us at the close of the school year with very little additional effort. It’s great to flip back through and read the memories, but it’s also a great portfolio. When someone asks what we did, I can finally tell them. (Because, at one time, I would normally just blank out and say, “Nothing.” Honestly, at the close of each day I could never remember what we did, having depleted all my brain cells on managing our school daze.)
- I finally decided to use it as a tool to help me organize all of my ideas. Since most of my ideas were on-line, it helped me tremendously! So, if you’ve seen me updating our resources for history , science, timeline, Latin, geography, math, or English grammar, it’s my attempt at organization so that I can hopefully find stuff myself.
- I never want it to be about popularity, or about making myself feel more important by being “followed”, or about making a quick buck, or about being a “resource queen.” (In fact, lots of people do a much better job than I do in coming up with activities for homeschooling families.) But I just wanted to help others by sharing my ideas on home education.
- I kept asking God to give me some way to minister to others in this season of my life.
…And so God granted me what I requested.
I never knew that He would use my silly anecdotes and simple thoughts to touch other people’s lives….
I didn’t realize that some people were floundering in this homeschooling (or parenting!) journey, and, by some act of God’s grace, they would find solace in knowing that I’m imperfect, too…
Being a math/engineering/design-and-write-procedures type of person, it never dawned on me that people would like and use printables I have made… for elementary school. Not only that, but I never thought we would establish a homeschool curriculum company. Years later, Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood is a family business.
It would have never occurred to me (in a thousand years!) that some people needed my ideas and organization because I am probably the last person to lead anyone along that path! (What a nutty idea!)
And so…
Thank you for reading our blog and allowing me to minister to you. I am honored and humbled that anyone would not only READ what I write, but also find comfort, joy, and direction in doing so. It ministers to me to be able to reach through to you in a time when I just don’t have much else to give. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life.